The last blog was about the miserable state German forests are in and the damage caused by enduring periods of summer heat and heavy storms. The secretary of environment of North Rhine Westphalia just released the official forest status report and describes the situation as follows: Compared to the already bad year before the situation has even got worse in 2019.
Only 1 tree out of 5 is healthy! Spruce and many evergreens are at risk as well as many broadleaf trees like birch, beech and even oaks depending on what ground they are growing on. We find them in private gardens, at school and kindergarten yards as well as public parks. Those trees will not be able to survive without our active support.
As described before those ill trees are a massive danger to anybody nearby. Even massive branches may break and fall down any time – completely unexpected to the untrained eye because of their still healthy appearance. The owner of a tree is liable to any kind of damage caused by that tree. The only way to prevent claims in the case that damage happened is to have your trees checked regularly by professional inspectors.
And very important: If after a heavy storm some trees out of a group of trees either fell or needed to be felt, then you must know, that the trees left isolated are now an even bigger threat. Before the group of two, three or more trees standing shoulder to shoulder stabilized and secured each other. Because of the gaps there is no more shelter from the storms to come. In such a case a tree owner is expected to involve a tree expert to evaluate the situation. Ignoring the fact, that the trees are now even more prone to storm damage, is more than dangerous. An insurance company will deny payment for any future damage. Because this process – if not stopped – is considered to be foreseeable.
The leftover tree(s) do need our professional support to regain stability and to be able to survive. With this let me finally talk about the good news: We as tree experts are trained to detect signs of mineral deficits before a tree is damaged irreversible. We have successfully saved trees in the past that others had already given up on.
Isn’t this a positive outlook, that there is a future for those trees that are most important to you?
Our trees need our attention more than ever. My family and I support you on this important task with all of our experience and commitment.
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