Your specialist for tree care and tree removal

Tree Care Tips

Tree care tips from Baumdienst Siebengebirge

Instead of Felling Trees: The Sustainable Solution

For the Baumdienst Siebengebirge tree service, my family, and our customers, there is nothing better than being able to preserve old trees for a long time. These trees are often associated with precious memories. With our experience, we have managed to save many trees, even natural monuments, when other “experts” had already given up on […]

Free tree inspection: Only a few weeks left!

Spring is just around the corner and in a few weeks the trees will be in full leaf again. So don’t miss the short window of opportunity: now is still the time to arrange a free professional tree inspection at your premises via our office. (Tel: 02645 / 9999-000) Why is a professional inspection so […]

“Sometimes, a strong gust of wind is enough to topple a tree”

The trees in our region are now under constant stress. Periods of intense heat in summer are followed by torrential rains. The already damaged roots find less support in the eroded soil, causing the tree to lose stability. If the initial signs are overlooked, such a tree can become a major danger to its surroundings. […]

How we saved a tree…

Among the most beautiful experiences in our profession are the moments when we manage to save a tree that other supposed experts have already given up on and recommended felling. This summer, my sons had such an experience when they were asked to assess an apple tree that was unlikely to be saved. It had […]

How to prepare your tree for the spring storms

In the wild and in home gardens, isolated trees from former groves are particularly vulnerable to wind and weather. I am often asked, “Are the storms getting stronger, or are the trees more vulnerable than they used to be?” In fact, both are true. Natural events such as heavy rains and violent storms are occurring […]

Only a Professional Tree Inspection can provide safety

The weather, the temperature and the energy costs… Surely these are even more important topics for you than already in the previous years. Because of the energy costs, we humans have wished for a mild winter. For the trees, however, moderate temperatures in winter mean double stress. This is because the growing season starts earlier. […]

Sudden branch drop in summer: When the tree becomes a danger

Historic lows are being reported in the river levels, and there is a high risk of fire in the forests. In many places, water has to be rationed. England is suffering from the hottest summer in 50 years. The consequences of climate change have reached us much earlier and far more drastically than experts had […]

Thank you very much for your rating!

We have built up a relationship of trust with many customers over the decades. Friendships have grown out of it. My sons Kevin, Alex, and Luke, who today manage the Baumdienst Siebengebirge, know many still as children, who even back then were enthusiastic about climbing to the top of the trees. When new customers approach […]

So that your trees survive the summer of 2022

2022 threatens to be another too dry year. The weather forecasts, high temperatures and far too little rain, mean the greatest stress for the trees in our parks and gardens. The “Spiegel” put it in a nutshell a few days ago: “Hardly ever have the trees in Germany fared as badly as they do today.” […]