The winter has returned and covered „Little Britain“ with snow. Despite freezing temperatures our little exhibition proves to be as attractive as before. Especially during weekends lots of walkers come by to visit on their way through the Kasbachtal (Kasbachvalley).
And the media are continuing their coverage on “Little Britain” as well. I would never have dreamt to eventually become part of a TV series with our British/Swiss Centurion tank. DMAX recently aired a new episode of “Steel Buddies” including “Little Britain” and the Centurion tank and there yet is more to come! If you like to have a look: https://www.facebook.com/baumdienstsiebengebirge/videos/348061572338986/ (German language)
As described in previous blogs we have setup the Centurion tank as a memorial for peace and freedom inviting people across generations to talk to each other and exchange their thoughts. Talking and listening to visitors I have learned that the Centurion tank in our “Little Britain” – decorated with poppies and white doves – serves this purpose very well.
Therefore I was more than pleased when the German radio station “Deutsche Welle” (broadcasting all over the word in English language plus many other languages) decided to do a report about the Rhine valley’s important sites concerning WW II. They visited an almost unknown V1-launching site very close to “Little Britain”. Of course they paid a visit to the Bridge of Remagen only a few kilometers away. In case you plan to visit the museum: http://www.bruecke-remagen.de/index_en.htm And they started their show visiting “Little Britain” and asking me about the Centurion tank.
Maybe you read this blog because you are planning to visit Germany and the Rhine-valley? You are certainly welcome to drop by in “Little Britain” as well and maybe start you trip from here just as the journalists from “Deutsche Welle” did. Here you can listen to their exciting story (in English language): http://www.dw.com/en/worldlink-walking-in-the-footsteps-of-history/av-42787948
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