Sometimes things happen just by coincidence but in a chronological sequence, which in retrospect seems more like a sign. Whether coincidence or sign, I would like to tell you about such an event today.
You certainly know that my heart and that of my family beats for the royals. Being British – even with a German passport – we feel close to the Royal Family. Even if Prince Philip had reached a ripe old age of 99, the news of the Duke of Edinburgh’s death a few days ago was still very sad news.
For many of us, Prince Philip was also like a grandfather, a proud man with a very special sense of humor, always loyal to the Queen and the nation. He will be missed very much.
Barely three weeks have passed since I received a very precious gift from a good friend. These are two pictures of the still young Queen and a likewise young Prince Philip. Since 1953 and until recently, these photos hung in the British barracks in Osnabrück. My father must often have walked past these pictures when he served as a soldier in Osnabrück in the late 1950s.
For me, this is a very moving story. The pictures have now found a new place of honor in the Winston Churchill Whiskey Lounge in our Little Britain Event rooms.
No sooner had these photographs of the English royal couple found their place here than news reached us of the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. This is just one of those coincidences of time that touch us, particularly in retrospect.
I am very proud to have received these pictures and would be very happy to show them to you in person in what I hope will soon be a post-Corona era.
Long live the Queen!
Today German TV also did a report about Prince Philip and our region of Germany: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/landesschau-rheinland-pfalz/hat-prinz-philip-rheinland-pfaelzische-wurzeln/swr-rheinland-pfalz/Y3JpZDovL3N3ci5kZS9hZXgvbzE0NDYzODE/
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