The year is about to end. 2020 has been a year like none before, for many people is has been a very tough year. We now are more hopeful as the Corona vaccine is about to become available.
But at the same time a beautiful dream seems to have come to an end as well. As it seems the town council has denied the allowance to continue “Little Britain” and rejected all our plans and proposals just yesterday.
After more than two years of discussions with the town administration I do not want to repeat the arguments anymore. On one hand there are many ten thousand Euro that I have spent on experts and the development of plans all in good faith for a good future following the administration’s requests. On the other hand, there is a huge disappointment that the many friends of “Little Britain” now share with me and my family.
As if Mr. Bean and the Queen were not busy enough with Brexit already, now plans need to be made to move “Little Britain”. 2021 will become an exciting year. My family and I are wishing for you from the heart that it will become a good year.
And of course – despite of all Corona circumstances – we wish you a pleasant Christmas time and all the best for 2021. Stay well!
Gary Blackburn and family
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