Everybody would have wished the first quarter of 2020 to be different than it developed. First it was the impact of the heavy storms devasting our forests even more. Now it is the Corona virus dominating our daily life and news like no other topic.
This is right and equally important because we know of the danger of an infections with the Corona virus especially for elderly people. Those who are especially in danger must be protected. And everyone of us is asked to take more care than before for others and behave responsible.
But we must not overlook other threads which also need to be taken care of. As we learn each day, visiting customers and checking the condition of their trees, a professional tree inspection this spring is more important than ever. The trained eye of our experts can detect deficits, cracks and signs of illness before a tree is irreversibly damaged or even becomes a danger to the life and health of people.
If there is no alternative to felling a tree, then one needs to decide which trees to plant best not to repeat the mistakes of the past. We assist you in finding the right type of trees for your individual soil and environment.
The situation in the woods is even more dramatic. In the cause of monoculture and soil compression, the climate change and brutal deforestation of the last months creeks and ponds are now suddenly exposed to direct sunlight which have been protected by the shade of the former trees for decades. We cannot even estimate what the consequences will be for our ecosystem. But we do know that we need to act now with a clear perspective for the future to enable nature to regain balance.
Also, the trees in our gardens suffer, due to extreme periods of heat in the summer, damaged roots or earlier planting plans that do not meet the demands and reality of our climate today. I would therefore recommend very much to ask for a professional advice as soon as possible and make an appointment free of charge by calling our office. Once the trees carry leaves again, the trees are exposed to even more stress and the danger increases even more. Therefore, please do not wait and ask for a free appointment now.
Stay healthy and please take care of yourself and your fellow people.
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