Historic lows are being reported in the river levels, and there is a high risk of fire in the forests. In many places, water has to be rationed. England is suffering from the hottest summer in 50 years. The consequences of climate change have reached us much earlier and far more drastically than experts had expected.
In addition, many trees are currently posing a great danger that is completely overlooked by lay people. Oaks, nut trees, chestnuts and lime trees are particularly affected. In times of persistent heat and drought, these trees can no longer fully supply their crowns with nutrients. The tree protects itself by shedding even green-leaved branches, thus reducing the volume of the crown.
This poses an extreme danger to people who may be seeking shelter and shade under such a crown. ” Sudden branch drop syndrome” is what tree experts call the phenomenon of massive branches falling to the ground that at first glance still appear healthy and vital. Do not go under such trees, even if the shade is tempting. The risk is too great!
I still remember a large cedar tree in Königswinter. Immediately after a group photo, a huge branch broke out of the crown and hit exactly where five people had just been standing. A wooden bench was completely destroyed by the impact. Fortunately, no people were harmed. And we were able to successfully cut back the crown. After that, the tree was safe again.
This is another reason why a professional tree inspection is particularly important before the autumn storms this year. This inspection, which we continue to offer you free of charge, can protect lives, the lives of people and trees! It is best to make an appointment with our office already in the coming days so that you are optimally prepared.
And a word about “Little Britain”, as you may have followed the media reports on it. My family and I are very pleased that our collection has found an ideal home in Vettelschoß, supported by our friends, the many enthusiastic visitors and, above all, by the community of Vettelschoß itself. Soon “Little Britain” will be enriched by another attraction. The preparations for this have already been completed with the “Lady Di Club Germany”. It should be ready by the end of the month. We will report!
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