Your specialist for tree care and tree removal

Only a Professional Tree Inspection can provide safety

Von Gary Blackburn

The weather, the temperature and the energy costs… Surely these are even more important topics for you than already in the previous years. Because of the energy costs, we humans have wished for a mild winter.

For the trees, however, moderate temperatures in winter mean double stress. This is because the growing season starts earlier. In addition, many tree pests have survived the mild winter unscathed and will probably soon become an even greater burden. Already weakened by the heat waves of the past summers, the consequences for many trees could be dramatic.

That is why it is important to actively support the trees now to prepare them for the coming weeks and months. To this end, we offer a free, no-obligation on-site inspection. Now is the ideal time to do this, because before the trees start bearing leaves again, we have an optimal view of the trunk and branches.

Cracks and cavities can be detected and their risk assessed by the trained eye of the experts. Together with the customer, we can then discuss which measures are sensible and sustainable to ensure the health and safety of the tree. Our goal is to help the tree heal itself.

By removing dead wood and supported by a light pruning of the crown, the tree is statically relieved. Smaller cracks can close again and heal. Through pruning, the crown offers less attack surface even to violent storms. A biological slow-release fertilizer adapted to the respective soil can provide the root system with additional minerals if necessary.

My sons Kevin, Alexander and Luke, as well as I, have performed countless such inspections in recent weeks. Tree owners are grateful when, during an appointment, we identify deficiencies and weak spots early on that can become major safety hazards if left untreated. Private gardens are affected, as are green spaces, schoolyards and playgrounds.

In the event of damage, insurance companies will only pay if tree owners have actually fulfilled their duty of care. Professional tree assessment and advice from the experts at Baumdienst Siebengebirge provides peace of mind.

Our office will gladly accept your request for a free consultation appointment by calling 02645 999 9000.

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